Relax in our peaceful environment and experience the benefits of our cutting-edge treatments. Schedule a consultation to get started on your journey to optimal health.
Healthy habits such as exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management can improve your long-term health. Regular physical activity lowers the risk of health conditions while a balanced diet enhances the immune system. Overall, prioritizing body wellness improves your quality of life, vitality, and energy.
Stay healthy on the go! This infusion improves immune health, battles cold and flu, improves mental clarity, and is great for replenishing your body after a day of travel.
Combination of Vitamin B-Complex and amino acids designed to help you kickstart your metabolism, burn fat, and feel more energized.
Myers' Cocktail is the perfect IV to alleviate chronic symptoms such as inflammation, fatigue, and stress. A blend of multivitamins helps increase immune support and restore overall balance to your mind, body, and soul.
Our migraine relief infusion is designed to help you get back to normal as quickly as possible.
Choline is referred to as vitamin B4. Like inositol, choline is not a vitamin but a nutrient. It speeds up metabolism and helps the body burn fat that keeps the liver healthy.
Commonly referred to as vitamin B8. Inositol is not a vitamin but a kind of sugar. It doesn’t dissolve fats; instead, it regulates your insulin and hormone levels. As a mild lipotropic agent, it breaks down fats and redistributes them in the body. At the same time, it reduces low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol.
It’s an amino acid that prevents fat build-up and removes it from the liver. It serves as an antioxidant as it eliminates heavy metals from the body. Similar to vitamin B12, it aids in relieving fatigue.
It plays a role in maintaining healthy nerve cells. It helps in RNA and DNA production, which are the building blocks of the body. Vitamin B12 is also known to boost energy. Vitamin B12 breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins as a lipotropic agent.
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Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
Imperdiet class parturient nascetur dapibus facilisis iaculis eleifend in suspendisse lacus efficitur
Located in Florence, KY, Tristate BANP Wellness & Vitality is operated by professional and certified Medical Professionals.